In our county, and others, there are fix-it folks that travel from state-run enterprises to fix whatever it is that may be broken. Well that's the idea anyways. The trouble is that they can't possibly keep up with the never-ending jobs to do. There aren't either enough of them, or the ones they have aren't motivated to do their jobs quickly - I'm not sure which.
This is how the system works;
I go to work, and notice say, a light-bulb burned out. Well you are probably thinking, "well then CamCam, you probably then replace the burned out light-bulb with a shiny new one, and problem solved..." No sir, that is not what I do. I rather go to the stack of papers located in the break room, and fill out a form detailing the nature of my issue and requesting a Mr fit-it to come and relieve me of my plight. Even. for. a. burned. out. light-bulb.
In fact, when I was still fresh, I went to change the light bulb myself. I was rebuked! How dare I! I cannot do that on my own. Why, that is someone else's job! So I changed my malevolent ways and resigned myself to changing that darned light-bulb the "proper" way. That is, by filling out paperwork, and sometimes waiting up to 2-3 days for that light-bulb to be changed. No I am not being jocular... I have honestly waited several days for a light-bulb to be changed. Well it didn't affect me much actually, but it did the children. That lonely burned out bulb was in fact in the children's bathroom - those poor little socialists were forced to relieve themselves in the pitch black dark.
That was several years ago; lets fast forward to the beginning of this current week. On January 11, I came to work on the early shift to find that the walk-in refrigerator wasn't working and needed to be repaired. Keep in mind that this is the cache that contains the food that will feed circa 50 children over the course of a week or so. That's a lot of food, milk, and other odds and ends. Now it wasn't working. This time however, we were able to call Mr Fix it and told him of our exigent matter, and he actually came the very same day! Success? Not quite.. He informed us that he wouldn't be able to repair our fridge until Thursday. This was Monday remember. What were we to do with a weeks worth of food for a small army of pint sized socialists you may ask? Well it being winter, we had to store it outside. But where could we keep it, safe from the birds and the beasts? Well a big old container of course!
Today is Thursday I should add, and the fridge still is in disrepair, luckily we will have moved locations to another preschool while ours is being renovated. Next week I shall experience the luxury of perfectly chilled food again!
Why wasn't he able to fix the refrigerator on Monday? Parts not available or some other reason?